Solastalgia (2019 - present)

Artist group with Sidsel Bonde, Åsne Eldøy, Andrea Grundt Johns, Christine Hansen, Skade HenriksenAnn Edvartsen Hay.

Solastalgia is an artist group that has been working with the concept of Solastalgia since 2019. Solastalgia is a combination of the Latin word solacium (comfort) and the Greek suffix -algia (pain), developed by philosopher Glenn Albrecht in 2011. Solastalgia expresses the psychological and existential discomfort many experience in relation to environmental changes, such as those caused by mining activities, drought, and water pollution. A common feature is that communities subjected to such interventions experience powerlessness and a loss of security. Today, many can feel Solastalgia on a much larger scale. The poles are melting, waste is being dumped in the fjords, and extreme weather is causing floods and destruction.

The group's artistic expression is diverse, encompassing techniques such as drawing, painting, sound, video, photography, installation, and text. Collaboration and cross-disciplinary intersections can emerge. A self-imposed time limit for the development of artistic work contributes to an intuitive and creative dynamic.

In Norwegian, the term climate grief has gradually become established. However, it is also a term that is controversial. One reason for this is that emotions related to the climate tend to be seen as subjective and not particularly useful in addressing the challenges we face. "We must talk about facts – not feelings," is often said. Through our experience working with the Engebø case, we found that people had very different perceptions of what was emotion and what was fact in this case. For example, it depended on the perspective from which the issue was viewed and what interests one had in it. Additionally, feelings relate to the values one attributes to landscapes. If people believe that landscapes have value (nationally, historically, sentimentally, etc.), it will greatly influence whether they wish to preserve them. These factors mean that one cannot ignore the emotional aspects of environmental protection. We also believe that artists may have a special responsibility to visualize and highlight the emotional and value-based aspects of environmental challenges.


Engebøfjellet, Vestland (February 2019)

Rom 61, Bergen (March 2019)

Studio 17, Stavanger (October 2020)

Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger (October 2020)
Seminar and artist talk

Gjesteatelieret i Vadsø (May 2022)
Residency and fieldwork
Vadsø Kunstforening, Vadsø (August 2022)

Obrestad fyr, Rogaland (May 2023)

Pikene på Broen, Kirkenes (November 2023)

Terminal B, Pikene på Broen, Kirkenes (April - May 2024)

Pikene på Broen, Kirkenes (May 2024)
Digital seminar in collaboration with Pikene på Broen
